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In this article, we will detail the step-by-step process for withdrawing the FGTS, the necessary conditions, the required documents and the channels available for this request.

Therefore, the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a right of Brazilian workers that aims to protect the employee in the event of unfair dismissal.

Furthermore, it can serve as a forced savings for specific moments, such as purchasing a property, retirement, or in emergencies.

After all, understanding how to request a cash withdrawal FGTS can be essential for times when these resources are needed.

Understanding the FGTS

However, the FGTS was created in 1966 and consists of monthly deposits made by employers on behalf of employees, corresponding to 8% of each employee's gross salary.

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Therefore, this fund can be withdrawn in various situations provided for by law, such as unfair dismissal, retirement, purchasing your own home, serious illnesses, among others.

Conditions for FGTS Withdrawal

Firstly, there are several situations in which the worker can request to withdraw the FGTS, such as:

Dismissal without just cause: the worker has the right to withdraw the total balance available in the FGTS account.

Retirement: Upon retiring, the worker can withdraw the entire FGTS balance.

Buying your own home: Therefore, the use of FGTS for down payment, amortization of outstanding balance or payment of housing loan installments.

Serious diseases: In the case of diseases such as cancer, HIV, or in terminal situations, the worker or their dependents are entitled to withdrawal.

Natural disasters: In the event of a public calamity recognized by the federal government, withdrawal may be authorized.

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Termination by agreement between employee and employer: Allowed withdrawal of up to 80% of the balance.

Birthday withdrawal: modality that allows the worker to withdraw part of the balance from their account FGTS annually, in the month of your birthday.

3. Required Documentation

To request a withdrawal from FGTS, it is necessary to present a series of documents that vary depending on the withdrawal situation.

Dismissal without just cause:
Identification document (RG, driver's license, etc.).
Work Card.
Term of Termination of the Employment Contract (TRCT).

Identification document.
Work Card.
Benefit Grant Letter INSS.
Buying your own home: Identification document.
Work Card.
Property document (purchase and sale contract, updated registration, among others).

Serious diseases:
Identification document.
Work Card.
Medical certificate.
Tests that prove the disease.
Documents proving the dependency relationship (if applicable).

4. Request Channels

There are several channels through which it is possible to request withdrawal of the FGTS:

FGTS application: Available to Android It is iOS, the app allows you to check your balance, request a withdrawal and send documents.

Caixa Internet Banking: Caixa Econômica Federal customers can make the request via Internet Banking.

Caixa branches: Face-to-face service for those who prefer to resolve issues in person. It is necessary to schedule in advance.

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Lotteries and Caixa Correspondents Here: For withdrawals of smaller amounts (up to R$ 3,000.00), upon presentation of identification document and Citizen Card with password.

5. Step by Step Request for the FGTS Application

However, to facilitate the process, we detail below how to request the FGTS withdrawal via the app:

Download and Registration:
Download the application FGTS (iOS | Android) in your smartphone's app store.
Register with your personal data (CPF, full name, date of birth, email).

Balance Inquiry:
After logging in, check the available balance in your FGTS account.

Withdrawal Request:
On the home screen, select the “My Withdrawals” option.
Choose the withdrawal method that applies to your situation (e.g. withdrawal due to dismissal, anniversary withdrawal, etc.).

Document Submission:
Send the necessary documents according to the chosen modality. After all, use your cell phone camera to photograph the documents and attach them.

Confirmation and Follow-up:
Confirm the data and send the request.
Track the status of the request through the application itself.

6. Deadline for Release of Withdrawal

The deadline for releasing funds may vary depending on the type of withdrawal and the form of request:

Via the app or Internet Banking: The deadline is generally up to 5 working days after confirming the documents.
At Caixa branches: Release may be immediate, depending on the case and verification of documents.

7. Final Considerations

Request withdrawal of FGTS It is a relatively simple process, but it requires attention to detail and the required documents.

The digitalization of the service by Caixa Econômica Federal, through the application FGTS, brought more practicality and speed to workers. Therefore, allowing the request to be made without having to leave home.

However, it is important to always be aware of the specific rules for each withdrawal method and keep documents up to date to avoid setbacks.

Therefore, ensuring that you can access your FGTS When necessary, stay informed about updates to Caixa Econômica Federal legislation and procedures.

This knowledge is vital so that you can make informed financial decisions and utilize your rights to the best of your ability.