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Launched in late 2022, ChatGPT quickly gained popularity, generating mixed opinions on the use of artificial intelligence.

Just over two months after its launch, the tool already had more than 100 million users.

By 2024, the site will receive over 1.6 billion daily visits.

The United States leads the list of countries with the most users, representing 14,14% of accesses.

Another impressive statistic is that the tool reached the 1 million user mark in just 5 days, setting a world record until Threads launches in July 2023.

However, there are many reasons to believe that artificial intelligence will continue to grow in the coming years, although its use will raise expected debates.

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So, if you like the technological world and want to know how to use this tool efficiently, I will present step by step the functionality you need to know.

ChatGPT (short for “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”) is a language model based on deep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence.

In practice, the platform uses a neural network algorithm that allows a conversation to be established with the user by processing a huge volume of data.

OpenAI, a US company that operates as an AI research lab, developed ChatGPT in 2019. The technology deeply understands the context of user requests and responds more accurately, thanks to training with thousands of examples of human language.

Elon Musk is among the founders of OpenAI, although he is no longer on the board.

Other founders include:

  • Sam Altman (current CEO)
  • Peter Thiel (PayPal)
  • Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn)

Additionally, OpenAI receives financial investments from other organizations to stimulate the development of its technological innovations.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT works through a neural network architecture called Transformer, which analyzes large volumes of text to learn language patterns.

It generates responses by predicting the most likely sequence of words based on the context of the given command. The tool is available for free, but there are also paid plans that offer additional benefits to users.

From the user's point of view, it is possible to:

  • Chat with the tool
  • Ask questions on a variety of topics
  • Request explanations about any concept
  • Request lyrics and poems
  • Request information

The model operates collaboratively, allowing users to correct the information provided by the tool.

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Additionally, the system stores conversations for future reference and rejects inappropriate requests.

Through an API, you can integrate ChatGPT with other tools, such as:

  • Word
  • Bing
  • Chatbot
  • WhatsApp Business

This integration flexibility further expands your application possibilities.

Unlike a search engine like Google, ChatGPT does not retrieve existing information, but generates sentences and full texts in real time.

Finally, in this text, we will explore how to use ChatGPT in a practical way.

What is the difference between ChatGPT and a conventional chatbot?

Developers program conventional chatbots with pre-determined responses to specific questions, while ChatGPT uses machine learning to understand and generate more complex, contextually relevant responses, adapting to the conversation in real time.

What is the difference between ChatGPT 4 and version 3.5?

ChatGPT 4 features significant improvements over version 3.5, including deeper context understanding, higher accuracy in responses, and the ability to handle more complex tasks. Version 4 also features a larger model, allowing for more efficient performance.

ChatGPT, Google's Bard and other AIs: differences and which one to use?

While ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, Bard is Google’s own AI. Both have similar functionalities, but may differ in terms of performance, accuracy, and specific applications. Choosing between them depends on the user’s needs and preferences.

Where can ChatGPT's artificial intelligence be applied?

ChatGPT can be used in a variety of areas, such as customer service, content creation, education, research, among others. Its versatility allows it to be applied in different contexts to optimize processes and improve efficiency.

What precautions should I take when using ChatGPT?

When using ChatGPT, it is important to be mindful of the privacy and security of the information shared. In addition, you should be careful about the veracity of your responses, as AI may generate inaccurate or incomplete information.

How does ChatGPT relate to education?

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in education, aiding learning, providing detailed explanations, and assisting with task completion. However, it is crucial that it is used as a complement to traditional teaching, not as a replacement.

Can it hinder learning?

If used inappropriately, ChatGPT can lead to dependency and reduce the development of critical thinking and research skills. Therefore, its use should be balanced and supervised.

What are the impacts of ChatGPT on the job market?

ChatGPT can automate repetitive tasks and allow professionals to focus on more strategic activities. However, it can also replace certain functions, requiring workers to adapt and retrain.

How can businesses benefit from using ChatGPT 4?

Companies can use ChatGPT 4 to improve customer service, create personalized content, perform data analysis and optimize internal processes, resulting in greater efficiency and cost reduction.

How to access ChatGPT?

One of the reasons for the tool’s success is its ease of use.

ChatGPT can be used for a wide range of purposes.

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Therefore, anyone with basic internet knowledge can access and use the tool to clarify doubts.

See below how to proceed, if you are accessing for the first time:

Step 1: Access the website

Tela inicial da plataforma do ChatGPT

It all starts by accessing the official website of ChatGPT.

Depending on the number of people online, the site may be temporarily unavailable or your questions may not be answered.

Tela de erro de servidor do ChatGPT

To solve it, you need to wait a little, and then access it again.

Step 2: Register

So, when you click on “Sign up”, you will be taken to a new page where you can register using an email address.

Alternatively, you can use your Google, Apple or Microsoft account.

Step 3: Enter the Code

If you choose to register with an email, ChatGPT will send you a confirmation code.

Página de verificar e-mail do ChatGPT

When you open your inbox, you will receive an access email, just click the confirmation button.

Tela do e-mail de verificação do Chat GPT

Step 4: Start Using ChatGPT

Once your registration is complete, you can start using ChatGPT and start interacting with the tool.

To explore the platform and understand how it works, you can try some of the following ideas:

  • Asking the meaning of a word
  • Ask questions about your idols
  • Request a cooking recipe
  • Search for information about a country you intend to travel to

What to Expect from ChatGPT

Here are some common expectations for technology:

  1. Improved Understanding and Response: ChatGPT is expected to continue to improve its ability to understand and generate more accurate and relevant responses, better adapting to the context of conversations.
  2. Application Expansion: The tool should integrate with more areas and platforms, expanding its applications in sectors such as health, education, business and entertainment.
  3. More Natural Interactions: As technology advances, interactions with ChatGPT should become increasingly natural and fluid, making the experience more intuitive for users.
  4. Customization Improvements: ChatGPT will be able to offer even more personalized responses, better adjusting to users' individual preferences and needs.
  5. Developers can add new features and functionality, such as support for multimodality (integration of text, voice and image) and greater continuous learning capabilities.
  6. They are also expected to place greater emphasis on ensuring the ethical and safe use of technology, improving the way it handles sensitive information and preventing the generation of inappropriate content.
  7. Integration with Other Technologies: ChatGPT should integrate more efficiently with other tools and platforms, offering more cohesive and comprehensive solutions.
  8. Greater Accessibility and Inclusion: Technology must become more accessible to a wider audience, with support for different languages and special needs.

Ultimately, these expectations reflect the ongoing evolution of technology and the potential impact that ChatGPT can have on many areas and aspects of everyday life.

ChatGPT offers a wide range of benefits, including automating repetitive tasks, improving decision-making through data-driven insights, and facilitating efficient communication.

It enables companies to expand their market reach by fostering innovation and adaptability. In addition, the tool improves the customer experience with personalized and fast responses, while offering flexibility and security in remote work.

In short, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that optimizes operations, boosts creativity and increases productivity in several areas.