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Weighing cattle has never been so easy, say goodbye to scales and complicated methods that leave the animal stressed, just with an app you can perform this task with great precision.

Technology is increasingly present in everyday life in the field, facilitating tasks that were previously done manually and often imprecisely.

Among these tasks, weighing cattle is one of the most important for controlling the productivity and health of animals.

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Fortunately, there are applications that make this process more practical and accurate, allowing rural producers to monitor the weight of their livestock efficiently.

Application BovControl

To begin with, the BovControl It is one of the most complete tools for livestock control.

In addition to allowing the monitoring of animals' weight, it also offers features for monitoring feeding, vaccination and even cattle reproduction.

BovControl is easy to use and has an intuitive interface, which makes life easier for rural producers, even those who are not very familiar with technology.

Another positive point of BovControl is its ability to work offline, meaning that even in the most remote areas where the internet signal may be weak or non-existent, you will still be able to record and consult your herd's data.

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Additionally, the app offers the option to sync information to the cloud as soon as your device connects to the internet, ensuring that your data is always safe.

For those looking for a complete and efficient solution for herd management, BovControl is, without a doubt, an excellent choice.

Application iRancho

Secondly, we have the iRancho, an application that has been gaining prominence among rural producers for its practicality and efficiency.

iRancho allows you to control the weight of your cattle quickly and easily, as well as offering other features such as batch control and others.

The objective is to offer a complete solution for herd management, from birth to slaughter.

Additionally, iRancho allows you to track your animals' weight gain over time.

The app also generates detailed reports, which can be shared with veterinarians or consultants, ensuring that all herd information is organized and accessible.

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iRancho's interface is modern and easy to navigate, making using the app enjoyable and hassle-free.

If you are looking for an application that helps you optimize the management of your herd, iRancho could be an excellent option.

Application CattleScore

Finally, the CattleScore is an application specialized in weighing cattle, using imaging technology to estimate the weight of animals.

The idea is simple: you take a photo of the cattle, and the app calculates the weight based on image recognition algorithms.

However, this functionality is especially useful for those looking for a quick and practical solution, without the need for physical scales.

In addition, GadoScore allows you to monitor the evolution of animal weight over time, generating graphs and reports that can be used to optimize feeding and herd management.

The accuracy of the app is astonishing, and it has become an indispensable tool for many producers looking to improve productivity.

However, GadoScore is an innovative and efficient solution for those who want to weigh cattle quickly and without complications.

If you are looking for a tool that makes the weighing process easier, this is worth a try.