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In this article, we will present the 10 best apps to identify plants.

Furthermore, nature is full of diversity, and identifying plants can be a challenge for many people.

Fortunately, technology has advanced to make this task easier, making it possible to identify plants through mobile apps.

So, these apps use algorithms and machine learning to recognize plant characteristics from photos.

1. PlantSnap

O PlantSnap is one of the most popular apps for plant identification.

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So, it allows users to take a photo of a plant and then provides detailed information about it.

After all, the database PlantSnap it is vast and includes a wide variety of plant species from around the world.

2. iNaturalist

O iNaturalist is a collaborative platform where nature enthusiasts can share observations of plants and animals.

Therefore, users you can take photos of the plants and upload them for the community, receiving identification through collaboration between members and even intelligent algorithms.

3. Seek by iNaturalist

Developed by the same team behind iNaturalist, Seek is a simplified, more beginner-friendly version.

Therefore, it uses image recognition to identify plants and animals in real time, providing useful information about each species.

Furthermore, it is a great tool to encourage interest in nature.

4. PictureThis

O PictureThis is a robust plant identification app that offers an extensive library of plants from around the world.

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However, the app also includes a forum where users can share their gardening experiences and tips.

5. Pl@ntNet

O Pl@ntNet is a collaborative application that allows users to identify plants from images and also contribute to the identification of others.

Therefore, the more users contribute, the more the database grows, making it even more accurate. Being able to easily find what you are looking for with precision.

6. Leafsnap

O Leafsnap is an application developed by researchers from several universities that focuses on identifying trees by their leaves.

However, it has a wide range of species and is a valuable tool for botany enthusiasts.

7. Agrobase

O Agrobase is an application aimed at identifying plants related to agriculture.

However, it provides detailed information on various crops, pests, diseases and cultivation techniques.

8. Garden Answers Plant Identifier

O Garden Answers Plant Identifier is an easy-to-use tool that helps you identify a variety of plants.

Additionally, it offers a forum where users can get advice on gardening and plant care.

9. Florish

O Florish is an application especially dedicated to flower identification.

With a user-friendly interface, it offers information about different types of flowers and their distinctive characteristics.

10. My Garden Answers

O My Garden Answers is another excellent app for plant identification, with a huge database and an accurate identification system.

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It also offers useful gardening tips and information.


After all, in this article we explored the 10 best applications to identify plants We highlight the best apps to compliment the discovery experience.

However, apps are useful tools for nature enthusiasts, gardeners and anyone who wants to learn more about the world of plants.

Additionally, by using these apps, you can explore the flora around you in a more informed and appreciative way.

However, remember, while these applications are valuable for identifying plants, it is always important to confirm the information obtained with additional sources to ensure the accuracy of the identifications.

So, enjoy nature and the wonderful variety of plants it has to offer!

Application available



Seek by iNaturalist:





Garden Answers Plant Identifier:


My Garden Answers: