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In this article, we will explore the benefits of INSS for beneficiaries of LOAS. Highlighting the importance of this support for the dignity and quality of life of these people.

After all, the National Social Security Institute (INSS) plays a crucial role in ensuring social protection for millions of Brazilians.

Therefore, among the various programs and benefits offered, the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC), also known as LOAS (Organic Social Assistance Law).

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however, this benefit aims to support those who, for various reasons, find themselves in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability. 

LOAS contextualization:

LOAS was established to ensure a minimum monthly wage for people with disabilities and elderly people aged 65 or over. However, they prove that they do not have the means to provide for their own maintenance, nor have it provided for by their family.

Therefore, it represents an important instrument of social inclusion and seeks to ensure the dignity of those who find themselves in a fragile situation.

Income and Sustainability Guarantee:

The benefit of LOAS provides a regular source of income for its beneficiaries, which is essential for their financial sustainability.

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This financial support contributes to the purchase of food, medicine, payment of basic bills and other essential expenses.

In this way, the INSS, through the LOAS, plays a vital role in preventing poverty and promoting social inclusion.

Access to Health Services:

In addition to financial assistance, beneficiaries of the LOAS have access to health services through the Unified Health System (SUS), health is a crucial component for quality of life.

However, access to medical treatments, medications and regular monitoring are facilitated by this benefit, ensuring a more holistic approach to social protection.

Promotion of Social Inclusion:

O INSS it is not limited to just providing financial benefits; it plays a significant role in promoting social inclusion.

By recognizing and supporting those who are in vulnerable situations, the INSS contributes to the construction of a more just and egalitarian society. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity and social equality.

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Impact on Quality of Life:

So, the combination of financial support, access to health services and promotion of social inclusion results in a direct positive impact on the quality of life of those LOAS beneficiaries.

These measures not only meet basic needs, but also enable a fuller and more participatory life in the community.


The role in granting the benefits of INSS for beneficiaries of LOAS, especially, goes far beyond providing financial support.

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It plays a vital role in building a more just and inclusive society. Ensuring that those facing significant challenges receive the support they need to live with dignity.

The social protection provided by the INSS is fundamental to the well-being and quality of life of beneficiaries of the LOAS.

Representing an important step towards a more equitable and supportive society.

Request Assistance Benefit for Persons with Disabilities (BPC/LOAS)

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