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Managing your routine is a skill that we all need to develop daily, Simplify Your Routine with Essential Apps.

For those who are self-employed, this task can seem even more challenging and even a little daunting.

Therefore, the pressure of juggling multiple tasks, deadlines and responsibilities can become quite intense.

Therefore, it is essential to find tools that really help to organize your day-to-day life effectively.

With the right resources, it becomes much easier to manage time, increase productivity and, above all, maintain a sense of control over your routine.

Why Use Time Management Apps?

Time management apps are practical, accessible, and often free. They allow you to clearly visualize your tasks, organize your priorities, and find time for what really matters.

Plus, by centralizing your activities in one place, you can optimize your productivity and ensure nothing is forgotten.

So if you want simplify your routine and set aside more time for personal matters, keep reading. Below, we have selected the best time management apps to help you on this journey.

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What You Will Discover In This Article:

  • Time Management App Tips:
  • What is Time Management?
  • Why Adopt Apps to Get Organized?

1. is an application to centralize and organize tasks in a “to do” list.

However, it allows you to create different lists, share them with others and receive notifications with reminders. 

The application is available for Android It is iOS .

2. Clokify

Clokify is a time tracking app. This means you can time your tasks and organize your entire day with it.

Therefore, it is also possible to issue reports on your routine, view tasks on a time sheet or calendar, and include other people.

Clokify is available in versions of Android It is iOS

3. Evernote

If you are someone who organizes themselves with notebooks and diaries, you will like this Evernote.

It's a note-taking tool, organizing information into separate notebooks. However, it's also easy to share materials with others.

Documents can have due dates and reminders about deadlines. 

To have your Evernote account, you can use the version Android It is iOS.

4. Notion

Notion, like Evernote, is also a note-taking app that can be extremely useful in time management.

With it, you can create pages and interconnect them, integrate calendars, kanban-style tables and, of course, notes.

Notion also lets you set deadlines and task reminders, as well as create environments for teams.

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Notion can be used in Android It is iOS.

5. Google Keep

Google Keep is Google's to-do and note-taking app. With it, you can take quick notes, set reminders, and make to-do lists.

The great advantage of Google Keep is its integration with other Google Workspace applications, making it easier to access and synchronize.

Google Keep can be used in the Android It is iOS.

6. Google Calendar

Google Calendar It is also another very useful resource for productivity. It works like a calendar of appointments, separating them by events, concentration time, tasks and automatic responses.

With it, you can schedule meetings via Google Meet, view Google Keep reminders and set work routines.

Google Calendar is available for version Android It is iOS.

7. Pomodoro Timer

pomodoro technique It's very simple: you set aside 25 minutes to focus on a task and rest for 5 minutes after completing the first round. 

After about 8 pomodoros (eight 25-minute cycles) you take a long break, of 1 or 2 hours.

As it is an ancient technique, done with the help of kitchen clocks, there are several applications, extensions and websites to apply the pomodoro.

Pomodoro Timer is available for version Android It is iOS.

8. Remember the Milk

The app Remember the Milk is a reminder tool. You set a task that needs to be remembered, time and reminder category.

Done! At the set time, you will receive a notification with the reminder. This will make your day-to-day easier.

Remember the Milk can also be integrated with other applications — such as Gmail — and with different virtual assistants — such as Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri.

The app can be used by mobile applications Android It is iOS.

9. RescueTime

Do you feel unmotivated or always end up procrastinating important tasks? Then you will like RescueTime.

This app is a great helper for your work. It allows you to set a time to complete tasks, and also has a focus mode — blocking apps that distract you and reporting how you might be wasting time.

RescueTime is device Android.

10. Todoist

Todoist is another task management application in the form of a “to do” list.

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It allows you to organize tasks into different segments — like work and personal commitments — and set reminders so you don't miss any deadlines.

Additionally, it can also be integrated with other applications such as Google Calendar, Trello, Toggl, and many others.

Todoist is available via the mobile app Android It is iOS.

11. Toggl

Toggl It is a very useful time management tool for those who work with Time Sheet (time control by task).

However, you can time each task and add labels, customer served and other features to make it easier to identify the work.

You can also view your working time by task, day, week, month, year and other periods.

The platform is free to use, including the generation of reports with graphs. However, other features and connections to other platforms are only available with a subscription to the app.

You can use Toggl on mobile Android It is iOS.

12. Trello

Trello It is one of the most used tools when we talk about task management.

However, it is easy to organize what needs to be done, what is in progress, review, and what is ready.

You can also delegate tasks to others, set deadlines, and receive reminders. Plus, it's also super integrable with other apps.

Therefore, Trello is available for mobile devices Android It is iOS.

How to be more productive in your day to day life?

Being productive can be a big challenge for many of us. However, even on good and bad days, we can always use techniques to avoid procrastination.

The secret to productivity is knowing how to organize your time. That's why time management is so important.

Ultimately, if you can organize yourself to fulfill your obligations, but also have time to rest and have leisure time, you will feel more productive and also more motivated throughout the week.

What is Time Management?

Firstly, time management is a process applicable to all aspects of life, whether at work, in hobbies or personal commitments.

With proper time management techniques, you can increase your productivity and, in times of home office, this skill becomes even more vital.

So, whether you work from home or are self-employed, knowing how to balance your tasks, deadlines and personal commitments is essential to avoid overload.

Why Adopt Apps to Get Organized?

So, there are several tools for time management, from printed planners to digital diaries.

Node however, Apps stand out for offering practicality, accessibility and integration with other devices, which makes them a smart choice.

Plus, they allow you to centralize all your activities in one place, with notifications that help you remember important times and deadlines.


Ultimately, having apps to optimize time is essential for those who want to increase productivity and better organize their daily tasks.

These apps offer handy features like reminders, to-do lists, and schedules that help you stay focused and avoid procrastination.

With them, you can view and manage activities more clearly and efficiently, ensuring that nothing is forgotten.

In this way, these applications allow you to adapt your routines according to your needs, in addition to providing a better balance between work, personal commitments and leisure time.